Central Arizona Chapter of Enrolled Agents


Article XIII       Management of Chapter Bylaws                               

13.01 Amendments, Revisions or Replacement.  Proposals for Amendments, revisions, revocations and/or replacement of these bylaws that have been noticed in accordance with these bylaws shall be voted on at any Annual or Special Meeting of the membership, by a majority vote of the Members voting at such meeting.  These proposals also may be voted on by mail ballot, fax, email or other electronic means, as the Board directs.

a.      Proposals From Bylaws Committee.  Any proposal to amend, revise or replace these bylaws shall be presented to the Board by an appointed bylaws committee for Board approval prior to presentation to the Members for a vote. 

b.      Proposals From Members.  All proposed changes by Members shall be signed by a minimum of ten (10) members, and shall be submitted to the appointed bylaws committee.  The bylaws committee shall submit the proposal(s), along with its analysis and recommendation for consideration to the Board. If the committee recommends the proposal, the Board shall cause the proposal together with the analysis of the committee to be included in the next Notice of Annual or Special Meeting, or submitted by mail ballot or other electronic means to the Members for a vote. Should the appointed bylaws committee not recommend the proposal(s), and the Board agrees, the proponents of the proposal shall be notified in writing by the Secretary. The proponents then may resubmit the proposal, to the Board after gathering at least 30 valid signatures of Chapter Members, at which time the proposal must be submitted for a vote of the Membership at the next Annual or Special Meeting.

13.02 Administrative Amendments.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, the Board is authorized to adopt certain bylaws changes related to housekeeping corrections only.  The authority of the Board is strictly limited to: 

a.   Renumbering sections after the membership has adopted a bylaws change;

b.   Correcting typographical errors;

c.   Making necessary grammatical or punctuation corrections to published proposals or adopted amendments, provided there is no change to the intent of the proposals or amendments. 

13.03 Safekeeping Bylaws.  The Board shall promptly cause a copy of all approved bylaws, amendments, revisions and/or replacements to be sent to NAEA as required by NAEA bylaws.

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